Mobile Receipt App is Tops at the App Store

>> Friday, September 11, 2009

So much for games and utilities, iPhones can be great aids as well when it comes to monitoring and systemizing your finances. Businessmen or employees who are required to submit expense reports normally have to fix up their receipts and make sure that they are itemized and ready for reimbursement. The Mobile Receipt app from Mitek Systems does just that and is perhaps one reason why it jumped all the way to number one at the App Store.

And while many deny it, one common practice is forging some receipts to so that they can reimburse a higher amount that what they had actually spent. Some get away with it while others get caught. Between the two, you would not want to be caught cheating your way for some extra cash.

But for Hot Urls the people who want an easy way to create and expense report , the Mobile Receipt app is the app for you. No wonder it made its way to the top! The app is available at the App Store for $4.99. You can view a video demo here.

(Source) Press

1 komentar:

Anonymous March 19, 2010 at 8:06 PM  

make a deal

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