>> Saturday, September 12, 2009


[Hazard] wanted a full color POV display for his bike wheel. and Adafruit’s SpokePOV is single color and Monkeylectric’s original version didn’t display images. He also balked at the cost and decided to manufacture his own version. It uses 16 RGB LEDs on a single layer board he manufactured himself. It’s an entirely through-hole design to make assembly easy. It uses a hall effect sensor to synchronize the image display. The two main components are an ATmega328p microcontroller, which should make it Arduino compatible, and a TLC5940 PWM LED driver. It’s a very well documented build and certainly a good looking effect.

[via adafruit]

3 komentar:

Anonymous September 15, 2009 at 9:38 PM  

Thank you hack-a-day for providing content for those lame commenters that are always crying.

Anonymous September 15, 2009 at 9:38 PM  

really? lego again? and from engadget? this website has been going to shit since there was more than 1 hack a day.

Bring back 1 hack a day
bring back lowercase
bring back black and white pictures

stop messing this up guys!

akira September 23, 2009 at 7:17 PM  

AFAIK if you type ‘google’ followed by a space and a query it takes you to the search results. It has maybe half a dozen shortcuts already in when you install it.

I have my shortcuts set up to use single letters: g, i, n, d, w… Google, Google Images, Google News, tfd.com, Wikipedia…

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