Variable Range Sprinkler

>> Wednesday, September 23, 2009

[Pete], a musician, and the guy behind SparkFun’s pogobeds and locking footprints has a sprinkler hack. He wanted to keep his dog, Choppy, happy with a green lawn while also keeping his sidewalk water free. To solve this problem, he hacked his sprinkler and hose to adjust the sprinkler’s range. He uses an Arduino to read a potentiometer signifying the direction that the sprinkler is facing and a servo to adjust a hose valve that controls the sprinkler’s water flow. Be sure to check out the video above to see it in action.

1 komentar:

akira September 23, 2009 at 7:25 PM  

Agreed. kilo means 1000. Never should have misused it in the first place. This correction is long overdue. Same with ditching our backwards measurements system. (i’m in the US)Uhh, no…. 1KB is 1024 bytes in the real worldBase 10 is fake math? Count your fingers or toes and get back to me.The vaunted metric system (or SI) says kilo is 1000. there’s no getting around it. Use kibibytes if you want to split hairs.

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